17 oct 2017

A pale blue dot by Carl Sagan

Yes the Earth is a pale blue dot seen from other planets within our Solar system, the book is a lovely one, with lot of science and philosophy.

It's a shame live is so short and people like Carl Sagan cannot see what he has foresaw in his books, this book talks about the space, the Earth, the future and as I see it, only the science fiction can help some of us to imagine we live the posible future of the human being.

The last weeks have been very worrying here in Catalonia, Spanish regime has awakened the hidden totalitarism that was there waiting for an opportunity to show its worst face. We have also seen that what the European Union was doing to the syrian refugees was no more than an advice to the european citizens about the meaning of human life and human rights to the Union.

Yesterday events with political imprisonments and the coincidence with the Spanish government been given a seat in the Human Rights Comission of the United Nations, makes anyone with a little bit of intelligence see what the world leaders are preparing for the future of humanity.

Perhaps Carl Sagan would not be very happy if he was alive.

10 oct 2017

Of Mice and Men

Libro corto sobre una pareja de americanos de principios del siglo XX, que viajan de granja en granja para trabajar a cambio de dinero.

El problema es que uno de los dos es una mole física pero con el cerebro de un niño pequeño y no para de provocar problemas al no poder controlar su fuerza.

No está mal, es uno de esos libros que nos hacen pensar sobre el bien y el mal, no siempre quien hace cosas malas es malvado.