7 oct 2020

Arcanum unbounded

 Couldn't wait to read this book with different stories in the Cosmere universe of Brandon Sanderson.

I hardly remembered the first three books of the Mistborn trilogy when I red the next three books, it didn't matter much as they where more adventure in the same world than a conclusion, because the first three where well finished. But in this book I've finished now, it seems that under the ground, or what is called the cognitive world... Keller is alive? WTF... Will I have to read again the first Mistborn trilogy to catch what is going to come someday?

Well, it doesn't matter... I've enjoyed other new worlds of powers and good characters in this book, so worth the money.

5 oct 2020

Bad Blood

 A wonderful real life story of a Start-Up where you can see how 2 mad people can cheat everybody for a long time, making them give you huge amounts of money without showing them nothing else than a show of good intentions...

Well, after I've written this I remember homeopathy, astrology, and well, perhaps it's easier than that, but well, no... homeopathy and astrology steal little amounts from many people while the fund raiser in this story stole millions of dollars to rich and (supposedly) intelligent investors...

It's a very good book and everyone should read it, it's sad how some people can play with the health of the people but it's clear that this families with good contacts can and do what they want, no matter who suffer with their ambition games.

4 oct 2020

Shards of honor by Lois MCMaster Bujold

 A little science fiction between so much fantasy in my beach reading this summer, I forgot to write the post when I finished it so I do it now before I write the post of the last book I've read.

I knew it was in the Falling Free world so I expected something about having 4 hands and no foots, but no, it's a love history in the middle of a war of worlds. I know it is part of a saga about Vorkosigan, so I hope to read the next books of the saga to know if it's a saga(I discovered that a saga implies different generations of a family, so Dune is a saga but not The Lord of Rings)...

Per cert, avui ha estat un dia divertit esportivament parlant, he pogut sortir en bici de carretera al migdia, i després he pogut veure un parell de partits de Roland Garros, gaudir del descobriment que per no tenir ben configurat el Chromecast només vaig gaudir un set contra Wawrinka i que avui ha estat a un pèl de guanyar, perquè desquiciar l'ha desquiciat ben desquiciat a Thiem, al final amb 1,73m d'alçada l'Hugo Gaston no ha pogut guanyar, però ha donat tota una lliçó de tennis a un cannoner com en Dominic Thiem. És d'aquests jugadors que dius, potser ningú no se'n recordarà d'ell d'aquí a uns anys, però jo l'he pogut veure i gaudir d'un parell de grans partits.

A més a més, he vist uns bonics darrers 20km de l'etapa del Giro i els darrers 13km de la Lieja-Baston-Lieja amb final inesperat, quan Allaphillipe estava a punt d'acabar amb la maledicció del maillot arc-iris (copyright ciclismo2005), i ha aixecat els braços abans de passar la meta i Roglic li ha pispat la cartera com manen les instruccions del bon ciclista. Igualment amb el moviment poc net que ha fet que a Hirschi se li sortís el peu del pedal, i que ha fet que penalitzessin al nou campió del món, el resultat hagués estat el mateix, en quant al guanyador, però el que hem rigut...

I com no, les curses de Superbikes, amb el superman Jonathan Rea, que per un cop no ha acabat al podi, però ha donat espectacle i deixa la celebració del Mundial per la darrera cursa. Com a MotoGP li doni per ploure a Le Mans... no recordo si Quartararo va bé en aigua...