30 ago 2024

Discworld: Eric

 Rinzewind is flowing in the nowhere and a boy called Eric makes an invocation to capture a demon to get three wishes but he fishes Rinzewind, who to his surprise delivers the kid his three wishes...

 Be the ruler of the world, find the most beautiful woman in the world and live forever...


29 ago 2024

Vorkosigan Saga: Komarr

 Auditor Vorkosigan travels to Komarr to investigate a crash between a ship and the soletta that gives more sunlight to the planet.

He goes with the Professor, another auditor with more experience and they will be hosted at the Professor's nephew home.

Miles gets involved in the events and discovers that he has to follow his instincts to be a good auditor.

Ekaterin Vorsoisson is the Professor's nephew and we'll have her point of view in half the book, how she sees Miles and form Miles' point of view of how he falls in love from her, will she be the one who will marry Miles?

26 ago 2024

El cura y los mandarines

 Interesante lectura sobre unos personajes que mayoritariamente no conocía o apenas había oído de ellos, como por ejemplo en protagonista, el marido de la condesa de Alba.

Cuanto más lee uno, más claro le queda que todo lo dejaron atado y bien atado, sí, ATADO Y BIEN ATADO.

Aunque en los últimos años ha sido ya de un nivel tan espectacular que no hacía ni falta leer un libro como este para ver como la chusma infecta que maneja este país desde los albores de los tiempos, sigue ahí para pegarse la vida padre a costa de los tontos que antes les llamaban señoritos y que ahora además les votan elección tras elección.

20 ago 2024

Vorkosigan saga: Memories

 After his revival Miles has suffered hangouts which finally make him almost kill someone, so he makes a mistake and lies in his report of the mission.

After that, he has to return home and be discharged from his post, so he doesn't know what to do with his life...

But "luckily" Illyan has a problem with his neural memory chip and he has to help his mentor, first to live and sencondly to know what's happened with the chip, so he is set as a temporary Auditor by Emperor Gregor, which allows him to show his talents and finally be appointed as a full time Auditor which he knows will be the end of Admiral Naismith.

Well, will it be? We'll know in the next book.

13 ago 2024

Mamut d'Eva Baltasar

 Tercer llibre de la trilogia sobre la maternitat d'Eva Baltasar, aquest no l'he escoltat com a audiollibre i l'he liquidat en dues tirades a la platja.

La història m'ha agradat, potser el final no l'he acabat d'entendre, perquè el llibre comença amb el projecte de prenyar-se d'una dona i acaba amb aquesta dona després de donar a llum, però que ha donat en adopció el fill.

Molt recomenable.

10 ago 2024

Vorkosigan Saga: Mirror dance

 Mark, Mile's new brother wants to be somebody, not only Mile's clone, he also wants to help other clones grown where he was grown, so he fools the Dendarii mercenaries to get a ship and set a mission to save the clones.

When Mile's arrives to the Dendarii and discovers what's happening, he follows Mark and tries to help, but he dies in combat, while still in the battle he is put in a crio-chamber to try to save him later, but the crio-chamber is lost and no one nows where it is.

Finally Mark sets himself as Mark Vorkosigan and discovers the truth about his family, he likes it but not the fact that with Mile's death he would be the successor of count Vorkosigan, so he sets his talents in trying to find and save Miles, wherever he is.

The events finish in a climax which show us another genius in the figure of Mark, so we'll be very happy to read more books with both Miles and Mark, each one with very different talents.