So yes, I've finished the Starsight books and I've enjoyed them.
Getting ready for the fifth Storm files book, I'll read some other books before returning to Kaladin.
Miles de cosas pasan por mi cabeza, como a todo el mundo supongo. Y como si no lo cuento reviento, pues lo cuento. Desde Granollers, que conste en acta.
So yes, I've finished the Starsight books and I've enjoyed them.
Getting ready for the fifth Storm files book, I'll read some other books before returning to Kaladin.
6 euros for 3 books... who could not buy them... so I've read both ReDawn and Evershore as they were so important before I read Defiant, in which I'm now...
Each Skyward flight book is narrated by someone different in these cases Alanik in ReDawn and Jorgen in Evershore.
Both books are full of actiion and we advance in the story started by Spenza but while she is in the Nowhere, which I've already read this summer.
Alanik wants an alliance with humans in ReDawn and Jorgen wants another with the kitsen in Evershore, the books have the names of the planets of both UrDail (Alanik's people) and kitsen (Hesho's people).
Havia escoltat una entrevista a l'autora en un podcast i volia llegir-ho.
Potser la temàtica no m'ha enganxat gaire, però cal reconèixer que és una forma diferent de parlar d'història, potser ho podria comparar amb la pel·lícula "El laberinto del fauno".
Després d'escoltar que qui resenya llibres a internet pot estar una mica tocat, amb l'heroi del poble Luigi Mangione com a exemple, doncs què voleu que us digui, que seguiré fent-ho, total això només ho llegiré jo.