11 dic 2022

The Hallowed Hunt

 The Complete Chalion finishes here, although I have to read Penric's Daemon and more other books of the Saga, but this arrived to my hands and I enjoyed it.

Ingrey has a wolf daemon chained inside, but it gives him powers when fighting. He is sent to discover what happened in the death of prince Boleso, second heir to throne. There he finds the woman who had killed Boleso while he was going to do a daemonic rape to her and has now a leopard spirit inside that was meant for Boleso.

He lives with her some strange experiences, as trying to kill her without kwnowing why, he discovers it is because a geas that someone has implanted in his mind and with the help of Ijada and Hallana, he can get rid of it while unleashing his wolf spirit, which gives him some weird powers.

We know about their childhood, the ancient story of the people of the Weald which have been mostly killed in an ancient battle where the old powers that Ingrey has, were supposed been exterminated.

The last act takes us to the haunted forest where the last battle of the Weald was fought to finish what the magic of the old people left unfinished.